Privacidad y cookies

Synerlogic and your privacy

This privacy statement applies to Synerlogic B.V. and its affiliates:

  • CA FNZ Holding B.V.
  • In2Food B.V.

registered at Graafsingel 18-22, 6921 RT in Duiven (NL).

In the remainder of this statement, ‘Synerlogic’ will also refer to the aforementioned Synerlogic affiliates.

1. Why this Privacy Statement?

In the Netherlands specific laws apply which protect anything happening with your personal data. The Personal Data Protection Act (Wbp – Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens) has been in effect until 25 May 2018. It was replaced by European legislation: the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in the Netherlands called AVG (Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming). Personal data refer to all information regarding a natural person. Data which indirectly refer to a person are also regarded as personal data.

The GDPR obliges “controlling” organisations to ensure that the GDPR is complied with by the organisation. The organisation also has to inform “data subjects” about the way the organisation handles personal data. The aforementioned companies are jointly controllers according to the GDPR. Therefore they will hereinafter be referred to as “Synerlogic”.

Synerlogic cares a great deal about the privacy of natural persons. It is our conviction that anyone should be free and able to decide for themselves how their data are used and by whom. This Privacy Statement explains how we implement this.

2. Whose personal data are processed by Synerlogic?

Synerlogic processes personal data as part of its business operations. The core activities of Synerlogic are:

  • Production and sales of cleaning and disinfection agents;
  • Wholesale of consumer items and consumables for dairy farms;
  • Supplier of knowledge and raw materials for the dairy industry;
  • Logistics services (value added services, storage, transport and distribution).

Synerlogic mainly does business with businesses (business to business). In the course of this we process personal data of (the contact persons of) our clients and relations and the visitors of our website.

Furthermore Synerlogic is obviously also an employer. To exercise its employer tasks, Synerlogic processes personal data of its employees (including agency workers and self-employed persons).

3. Why and for what purpose does Synerlogic process personal data?

Synerlogic believes that data of and about you are your property. Therefore we solely use your personal data for the purpose for which you supplied them to us, or for which we collected the data.

Synerlogic manages and processes personal data in several (information) systems. These processing operations take place with the following purposes:

  • to fulfil legal and or contractual obligations (e.g. to the tax office and of business agreements);
  • as part of the employer-employee relationship (e.g. employment contracts, pensions, collective insurances);
  • to maintain business relations (e.g. location visits, contracts with clients/suppliers/organisations; submitting quotations etc.);
  • on account of a legitimate company interest (e.g. employee performance interviews, marketing activities, the company’s continuity).

Note: Synerlogic doesn’t process more personal data than necessary and we don’t store them longer than necessary for the purpose for which they have been processed.

Synerlogic and its employees respect privacy legislation. All (personal) data processed by Synerlogic are only processed on a legal basis (a legal foundation). Legal foundations are, among others, the data subject’s consent, the implementation of an agreement, compliance with legal obligations or the defence of legitimate interests. On the particular occasion of processing personal data on the basis of your consent, you are free to withdraw this consent at any time.

4. What data does Synerlogic process?

As controller Synerlogic may process the following data of representatives of its business relations:

  • Name (first name, last name, initials)
  • Gender (Mr./Mrs.)
  • Position
  • Company name
  • Business contact data (like address, e-mail, phone number)
  • Business bank data (like IBAN)
  • Business identification numbers (like business registry and VAT-numbers)
  • Photos and testimonials of clients which – always in coordination with the client – can be used in our marketing communications

Potential other data, to the extent necessary for the purposes described under 3.

In its position as controller Synerlogic may process the following data of its employees:

  • Name and address data
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Contact data (e.g. private address, e-mail, phone number)
  • Identification numbers (e.g. citizen’s service number, passport number)
  • Bank data (e.g. IBAN)
  • IP-addresses of business devices
  • Data regarding the employment relationship (like position, salary, working hours, performance, applicable regulations)
  • Potential other data, to the extent necessary for the purposes described under 3.

5. How do we protect your data?

Synerlogic handles your data with the utmost care and processes them according to the requirements of the applicable privacy legislation. This means that we secure your personal data on an adequate and appropriate level. Furthermore we don’t store your data longer than necessary for the purposes mentioned under 3. In addition to this the stored data are solely accessible to Synerlogic staff to the extent necessary because of their position. We ensure that third parties shall have no access to your personal data.

6. How long do we store your data?

Synerlogic doesn’t store your personal data longer than necessary to achieve the purpose for which they have been gathered. If the law obliges Synerlogic to store data, Synerlogic shall comply (e.g. tax legislation or pension laws). Finally we may store your data for a longer period of time with regard to archiving.

7. Does Synerlogic provide your personal data to third parties?

The presumption is that your personal data are not provided to third parties. Synerlogic shall only provide your personal data to third parties, if:

  • we collaborate with a third party for the purposes mentioned under 3;
  • we have a legal obligation to provide your data, for instance to the tax office, the social security bank or regulators.

Synerlogic fulfils its obligations in this respect and complies with the corresponding requirements of privacy legislation. This means we shall never provide or sell your data to third parties for commercial purposes and that no transfer of your personal data to countries outside the European Union shall take place without being able to ensure the suitable level of data protection. We make adequate agreements about processing of your data with the third parties with which we collaborate, so that they also handle your data with care.

8. Camera surveillance on the Synerlogic premises

Security cameras have been installed on the premises of Synerlogic in Duiven. They are meant to enhance the safety of our employees and the protection of our property. The images are stored for a short period only and shall not be used and/or reviewed without a legitimate reason. In case of incidents camera footage may be stored for a longer period of time, within the framework of the law, and provided to police and public prosecutors to support the report of an offence or the inquiry into an incident.

9. Third party websites

In our digital communications (like our websites and e-mails) you may find hyperlinks to other websites. We can’t vouch for the way these parties handle your personal data. This Privacy Statement is therefore expressly solely applicable to the processing of personal data by Synerlogic.

10. Your rights regarding your personal data

Synerlogic is always prepared to give details about what information we, as controller, gather from you and for what purpose. You may submit a request to view your data processed by Synerlogic. You may request to correct or delete these data or have them transferred to a third party. If you believe that Synerlogic processes your personal data is unlawfully, you may object and also request to limit the processing of your data.

It is important to Synerlogic that your personal data which we process are correct. This is a shared responsibility of ours and yours. Have your personal data changed in any way? Please inform us right away. If possible and permitted we shall check the correctness of the data of our employees with external parties with which we collaborate, like occupational physicians and the Employees’ Insurance Agency (or UWV).

Finally you have the right to file a complaint to the Dutch privacy regulator, the Personal Data Authority (or Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens). If you have any questions or remarks about how Synerlogic handles your personal data, you may always ask us for an explanation. We shall give it to you gladly.

11. Who to contact?

A number of Synerlogic departments are responsible for the compliance of privacy legislation: the SHEQ (Safety, Health, Environment, Quality), HR (Human Resources) and IT (Information Technology) departments. But we stress the fact that Privacy is everyone’s responsibility. Internally compliance of the Privacy policy is audited by the SHEQ department. Employees may view and correct their personal data in Afas Insite and may contact the HR department with additional questions, comments or complaints regarding their own personal data in writing. Clients and suppliers may direct questions, comments or complaints to the Customer Service department.

Upon submitting a question by e-mail you shall receive a response within 4 weeks. You may contact us in case of, for instance:

  • questions, comments or complaints about the handling of your personal data by Synerlogic;
  • questions, comments or complaints about Synerlogic’s privacy policy.

The corresponding contact details are the following:

  • For employees:
  • For clients, relations and other contacts:

12. Amendments to this Privacy Statement

Synerlogic reserves the right to make amendments to this Privacy Statement. You can always find the latest version of the Privacy Statement on We recommend regular referring to this Privacy Statement to stay informed about the content of this document. The latest amendment of this Privacy Statement was on 15 February. 2024.

13. Cookies